David Woolf

The anatomy of everyday UI: buttons

Buttons are a great example of hidden complexity. Functionality, style, and accessibility all contribute to an unseen iceberg floating beneath the surface. This article goes over the nuances of buttons and the issues that can arise when creating buttons in different contexts.

Types of buttons

To get started, lets review what types of buttons are available on the web. A button can be of type submit, reset, or button. The submit type is the default state when the button is associated with a form or type is empty, missing or invalid. Here are some examples:

<!-- defaults to `type="submit"` -->

<!-- set to `type="button"` -->
<button type="button">click me</button>

<!-- set to `type="submit"` -->
<button type="submit">submit</button>

<!-- set to `type="reset"` -->
<button type="reset">reset</button>

<!-- invalid, default `type="submit"` -->
<button type="custom-type">submit</button>

Submit buttons

If your button posts data to a server, using type=submit is recommended.

Form mapping

Submit buttons can include many form details normally applied to the <form> element via attributes:

attribute description
formaction maps to the form element's action attribute
formmethod maps to the form element's method attribute
formtarget maps to the form element's target attribute
formenctype maps to the form element's enctype attribute

Providing these values to the submit button will override the value set on the form itself.

Mixed button use in forms

Because buttons default to type="submit", use of buttons inside a form that should not submit the form must explicitly include type="button" or type="reset"

Form validation

Only submit buttons can trigger a form's validation process. This is referred to as "constraint validation" in the W3C working draft. This means other buttons within a form will not inadvertently trigger form validation for child fields.

Additionally, the formnovalidate boolean attribute can be added to control whether form validation happens or not. However, if the button's parent <form> tag includes a novalidate attribute and the button includes formnovalidate="false", validation will still be skipped. This can be confusing since other form* attributes on the submit button will override the parent <form> value of the same type.

Reset buttons

When using type="reset" in a form, you can clear form values without any Javascript. It's generally not recommended to do this, but is a built-in button type nonetheless.

Content considerations

Buttons can contain any content considered phrasing content, as long as it's also not interactive content (more on that below).

However, any tags such as headings and paragraphs placed inside of button will implicitly include the role=presentation attribute in accessibility contexts, which turns off their semantic meaning. Here's an example:

  <!-- the role="presentation" attribute is added by the browser in accessibility contexts -->
  <p role="presentation">I am a paragraph</p>

<!-- this is the same as the above button -->
  <div>I am a paragraph</div>

Interactive content

The interactive content list is a lot shorter than the phrasing list, so avoid placing these elements inside of your buttons.

element avoid
<button> always
<details> always
<embed> always
<iframe> always
<label> always
<select> always
<textarea> always
<a> when using the href attribute
<audio> when using the controls attribute
<img> when using the usemap attribute
<input> if type is not set to hidden
<object> when using the usemap attribute
<video> when using the controls attribute

Of course, this never stopped anyone. But for semantics, accessibility,and compatibility, it's highly recommended to avoid placing interactive content within your buttons;


When applying styles like writing-mode and text-orientation, buttons will not rotate their text. However, button text inside of the button will stack for vertical orientations. It is up to you to determine if you manually want to rotate buttons for differing reading directions or keep the built-in functionality.


Buttons are configured with default styles based on the browser and operating system. This usually includes:

  • background color
  • border radius, weight, and color
  • color
  • height
  • font family, size, and weight
  • padding

There are a few ways to remove this styling by default:

Using all: unset

The all: unset css property is a quick way to override an elements implied, explicitly, and inherited styles. For top level element styling, it's the recommended way of resetting button styles. For child elements, you can also use all: inherit or all: initial for slightly different reset values.

Reverting the removal of default UI

Using all: unset on a button eliminates ever getting those default styles back. Fortunately, you can use all: revert on a button to revert the resetting of all that default UI. This makes it safer to control styling at the top level, knowing there is an escape hatch if needed.

Fixing keyboard navigation

A major downside to resetting default button styles is the loss of keyboard focus. While you can add a custom outline, that requires creating a button:focus style declaration and you won't get the same style as other default outlines. Fortunately, as seen in the CSS tab in the example above, this can be solved by adding outline: revert after the unset declaration:

button {
  all: unset;
  outline: revert; /* this must come AFTER all: unset */

Using appearance: none

While appearance: none has much better consistency in newer browsers, it doesn't actually reset all of the button styling (as seen in the example above). Only the core operating system specific styling is removed.

Using manual overrides

For the most granular control, manually changing the values is always an option. It also prevents the removal of affordance states like keyboard focus.

Affordance states

Buttons generally do not have any hover affordance, including changes in color, cursor, or size. This is based on the assumption that your buttons look like buttons! If they don't, then some hover indication would be useful, but note this won't solve any problems on touch devices.

Keyboard and active state feedback

Buttons must include an outline when focused via a keyboard. This is best accomplished by ensuring default outline states persist using outline: revert, but if these styles need to be customized, the :focus-visible pseudo class will ensure keyboard focus styles show up without displaying them for regular mouse or touch actors:

button:focus-visible {
  outline: 2px solid black;

Active states are more of a grey area, but can make web applications feel especially responsive. This will also ensure custom buttons behave similarly to native buttons, which makes for a more cohesive, well designed system:

button:active {
  opacity: .8;

Pointer vs default cursor states

By default, buttons do not use cursor: pointer on mouse over. Contrast this to links, which do. The reasoning is that links generally have weak affordance when compared to buttons. However, if you are creating buttons that you consider have weak affordance (and the design cannot be changed), then adding cursor: pointer is recommended.

The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link
The W3C defines pointer cursors explicitly in the their CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 Specification

Buttons vs links

If your button looks and acts like a regular link, use an anchor tag. This will ensure the browser provides useful default behavior, actions look and perform normally when css or javascript are disabled, and your content is properly indexed and rendered by things like search engines and accessibility devices.


Due to the nature of buttons and their primary use in completing actions, ensuring proper accessibility markup is included is critical to creating great experiences for all actors. While the following mostly concerns non-form submission buttons, some information relating to titles and labels can be useful in all button contexts.

Aria attributes

Generally, aria-label is the most popular accessibility attribute, and can be useful for buttons that do not contain text (example: icon buttons).

Expandable content

If a button controls the visibility of other content, it should include the aria-expanded attribute with a true or false value.

Dialogs and other popups

Building on aria-expanded, if you are creating buttons that open up content considered to be a popup, there are two additional attributes that need to be added: aria-haspopup and aria-controls. The aria-haspopup attribute accepts one of the following values:

  • dialog
  • menu
  • listbox
  • tree
  • grid
  • true

The aria-controls value should be the id of the popup's top level element

Generally, dialog is the value you want for aria-haspopup. Here are some examples of when to use each value:

value use case
dialog Popups that take over the screen. Examples include alerts, confirmations, etc.
menu Menu bars with dropdowns
listbox Comboboxes design pattern with a list of items (one axis)
grid Comboboxes design pattern with a grid of items (multi axis)
tree Popup that shows a folder tree like structure
true Exists for ARIA 1.0 backwards compatibility and is the same as using menu

Toggle Buttons

To use buttons as a toggle, make sure to include aria-pressed with one of the following values:

value description
true actively pressed
false not actively pressed
mixed partially pressed

Note: This attribute won't actually toggle the button (that still requires Javascript), but its necessary to provide an accurate state of the button for all actors.

Best user experience practices

Avoid the title attribute

While the title attribute might seem like a good use case for providing additional information about a button, it is frequently inaccessible to screen readers and actors not using a mouse pointer. For buttons without a label, use the aria-label attribute.

Avoid disabled states

It is a common pattern to disable buttons until some other step is completed. Stop doing this, especially in forms. Disabled buttons are confusing to all actors, and can be especially frustrating for those using screen reader devices. Here are some common uses of disabled buttons and their alternatives:

use case alternative
invalid form fields let them submit! use client and server side validation to give feedback on improper or missing values
no change since last save allow clicking and provide a notification that there's nothing to update
not enough access avoid using buttons and consider removing unactionable content entirely
sold out item provide an error notification or replace the button entirely with a message that the item is sold out

Using custom elements as buttons

If a non <button> element has to be used to act as a button (ie: it looks and acts like a regular button), it's important to add additional markup to communicate that quirk to actors and devices. Here is an example of a div being used as a button:


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